Friday, September 14, 2012

Nuchal Translucency Screening

Yesterday morning was our NT screening.  About a week prior, I had done my science fair project and overnighted it to the lab so that we would have all results at the ultrasound.  We got to OSU about 8:40 for our 8:45 appointment.  We were first called back by a genetic counselor and went over family backgrounds.  Then we were called back for the ultrasound.  It was the first time I had an abdominal ultrasound.  That was rather nice.

The baby was all over the place.  He/she would not be still.  The technician commented about how long the legs were already.  It was amazing to see the legs and hands and feet even the fingers were visible.  Truly a miracle. 

Baby finally cooperated and we were able to get the neck measurement.  Jeff got to hear the baby's heartbeat that was measuring 155.

The doctor came in the room and gave us the results...the odds are very low for down syndrome, trisomy 13 and trisomy 18.  My odds jumped for being very high (primarily based upon age) to dropping very low to equal to a twenty-two year old.

The first picture is the profile.  
This picture is the legs!

Dr appointment next week and second trimester begins on Monday!

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